Friday, December 02, 2011

"Our" Islamist - Brahma Chelleney

The article link

My Comments - Great point Sir! The US policies in Middle East is paying back now with dividend. The US, rather than correcting its mistakes, is still vandalizing the domestic politics of these countries. The petrodollars are the major source of funds for the terrorist organisations, the terrorist training center and the terrorist socialization centers like madrases. The growing Arab influence is undermining the local Islamic cultures in other countries. The replacement of Urdu by Arabic in India is good case in point.
The response to such growing extremist by nation-state is also problematic. Rather than understanding basic cause and de-linking this Arabic support, National govt responds in short sighted ways. Some responds by going to other extreme ends by stereotyping whole of the Muslim communities. Others, trying appeasement politics. India is case of second response. I never understand why the Indian Muslim population becomes important factor in foreign policy formulation when it comes to Pakistan or West Asia. Is the National Interest differs for them?

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