Friday, December 02, 2011

The Egyptian military's fateful choice : Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria - The Egyptian military has been trying to carve out a special role for itself, which in effect places it above the law and above the democratic process in Egypt.
This is a terrible idea. It is essentially subverting the Egyptian revolution. Civilian control of the military is one of the hallmarks of democracy.
Egypt has two choices moving forward. It can go down the path of Turkey, where the military’s privileged position has been reduced and placed under constitutional constraints and democratic, civilian government. Or Egypt can follow Pakistan, where the military exists as a law unto itself controlling vast swathes of the economy.
It is pretty clear which is a healthier society. Turkey is a booming, democratic country that has become one of the great growth stories of the world. Pakistan is a completely dysfunctional basket case that survives only because it gets aid from the United States (and that aid is largely given for fear for what would happen if Pakistan collapsed).
Ultimately, the Egyptian military needs to understand that the cost of trying to hold on to all its perks is that Egypt will become a deformed, malfunctioning democracy. That’s a steep price to pay.

My Comments - Good Read Fareed! But I am still confused with so called Arab Spring for Democracy! My ground knowledge may be limited. But how can one explain the growing ascendance of Muslim Brotherhood or Salafist? These people, by any means, can't be called as DEMOCRATIC.
India is classic guide for these countries to follow. It is great experiment in Democratic history, but didn't let westerners to define its secularism! So dear Egyptians, you are proud country, don't get lure by West or Al-Qaeda . Listen to you heart, and make Egypt proud again!

But I am More puzzled about the reactions here on your comments about Pakistan! Let apart the Aid proportion and Pak Army's intention, just look it at neutrally. Just analyze it on the basis of four basic component of State - Populations, Sovereignty, Government and Territory. Do Pakistan have all of them. I am of the firm opinion that Pakistan is failed state. The current 'Memogate' scandal is classic case - The President asking US to save him from his Military!

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